Episode #51: Petro Mundo

This episode’s guest is Griffin Haby, the co-founder of Mountain Lion oil & gas and Limpia Creek Technologies. We sat down in person at NAPE and got a very solid recoding in the books.

You may know Griffin for his movie star mustache or his western stylings, but he is also an impressive oil & gas entrepreneur who has recently made the switch over to the Bitcoin Mining space.

This episode we discuss Griffin’s background as an entrepreneur and the path he’s taken to land where he is today. We talk about the oil & gas industry, and the ups and downs we have lived through. We dive into some of the current challenges facing the industry and how the public perception has unfairly taken a beating over the years. Lastly, we talk Bitcoin, and how it has changed the way that we think about energy and it is going to change the future of our industry.


Episode #52: Shorting the Grid


Episode #50: RRC Showdown